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Letter from the President


At CWC we understand that we are solely a "service-based" business. Since we don’t sell or manufacture products, our clients and their goods in the warehouse are our sole priorities. As a small business, every employee is directly involved throughout the process of each project. This attention to detail leads to our unmatched client satisfaction standards.


Our sustainability as a business is dependent on our work, and our reputation. Clients outsource to CWC for many different reasons, but every client utilizes CWC services to help grow, sustain, and maintain their business operations. Some are growing businesses looking for a reliable 3PL to free up time and act as a branch of their business, while others simply need the resources our facility has to offer. 

Through various incentives, every employee at CWC has “skin in the game” which has created an atmosphere where we all strive to be the best business we can be. Our theory of happy employees = happy clients rings true. The business exists to help clients and employees realize their full potential, enjoy their work, and do things the right way.



Chapman Syme

President - Charleston Warehouse Company LLC

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